

“We are leaving the city. While we can. Later it migt be too late.

We are one of those lost generations… Our future was stolen from us. We don’t know what lies ahead. Shun says we ourselves are responsible for our future. Smart ass…
Who is responsible for our present I ask?
I’m not responsible for this; I wasn’t asking for this reality. I was looking forward to fulfilling my dreams. Now I have to adapt, he says.
Why should I adapt? Where were those who always preached us how we should be and what we should do? What did THEY do?
Now I have to adapt. Shun says my thinking is of no use. Well.. I can’t get over it.
Shun…who is responsible for aal of this? Those thieves… Thieves and liars. Murderers. Hypocrites and bastards…
They won’t get away with it…
We will not fail humanity. We will not fail each other. We will fight for liberation of man.
Once again.”
Zan Ishida

The barrel of the sniper was gleaming in the sun. Nice and clean. She sighed and stared at the thick forest canopy. Leaves were blowing in the wind, reflecting all shades of yellow, green and brown. Winter is coming…

Shun said they had to cross the border…How?…

The anger was welling up inside her. Logically, she knew there was no use of it. Especially when it turns to rage. It will only do harm. Still, it was there. It kept her hand on the rifle calm. But when there was no target, it would turn on itself. On her. She was angry at her parents…at all the grown ups who were telling you how to live your life and when the time came for them to live their lives… they stood silent and accepted their demise and demise of their children.

It’s not first time it happened. How flawed are humans, how incapable of learning anything… hot tears rolled down her cheeks and she was angry at herself for crying.

A hand landed softly on her shoulder.

“I know there’s no use!” she shouted.

“I haven’t said anything.” Shun replied. “The use is getting what you don’t need out of your body.”

Hot and heavy, they were falling on blades of grass, soaking the soil in human anguish.

“Get it out but know those things are beyond you.” He sat on the grass beside her, still holding his hand on her shoulder. “I know I tell you this all the time…”

“I know…your emotions is what you contribute… you can’t get rid of the evil by killing it…  if you wish to pursue revenge, you better dig two graves… which one is it?” She laughed through her tears.

“Well…all of them.” He pressed his head next to hers and she knew he was the only one she had, who loved her unconditionally. She was probably the reason he stayed even though he never wanted to admit it.

“Okay…teach me.” She wiped her tears. “What you were taught in monastery…I want to contribute with good.”

And that moment the idea came to Shun’s mind. He knew how they will cross the border.

Shun Takeda

It was still dark outside. Five AM. He was careful not to wake up the others. The air was fresh. Humid smell of soil and decomposing leaves entered his nostrils. He stretched his body and sat in front of the cabin. They were hiding in the forest for months now, changing the location every now and then but the servants started becoming frequent visitors lately. The time has come to leave the territory. Guards and robots were watching the border closely. Not many have crossed it successfully. The answer to how to do it couldn’t be found in logic or reason. They needed a miracle, or a secret technique of how to do it. There must be a gap. Surely, a moment of human inattention is easy to find but what do you do with the robots? They shoot at minimal movement and body heat. How do you go pass them? He silenced his mind. All you can do is wait.

His father introduced him to martial arts when he was a kid. Ever since then, kung fu was his life. He lived in monastery in the forest. The discipline was hard but at the same time, it was much easier than living in society. There was no hustle, confusion or worry. When The Regime began to take over, some of the monks went to another territory, deeper into the forest. He stayed despite knowing what was coming. He couldn’t leave his younger sister…no matter how difficult she was.

Now, with the whole group, crossing the border seemed almost impossible. Even with Zan would be difficult. Now he has three of those in his hands… Chase and Kano could probably do it but the infamous three of Zan, Juno and Al…they are unruly and chaotic. Their minds are not focused. However, they are a group…all of them will cross. Or nobody will.

He was sitting there, in front of the cabin, eyes closed, breathing slowly, waiting for an answer.

Juno Blade

The thumping was loud in her ears. It was more of excitement and adrenaline than fear. The tree behind her back was cold and wet. The servant was a fresh recruit. His skills were poor. The branches were cracking under his feet. She wondered if he really believed in The Regime or was it he joined to “save his life”. Whatever it was, good luck with that saving, mate…

He passed the tree. The wire cut into the flesh. She felt his breath…panic, body doing its thing…it will be over soon. She tightened her grip and body went limp. Another soul released. She made a cross in the air above the body and wished the soul bon voyage. Don’t wanna be haunted later… Besides, soul would never kill its kind because of cowardice.

Before, she never thought about morality of the regime. It was all a game…mixed with action movie plot. Like Rambo…or Crow or something like that. Even though there was nobody to revenge in her case. She grew up in orphanage and later made her own way into the world. Living under The Regime would have been easy… playing video games to distract the masses. She didn’t care…until The Regime started telling her what to do. Nobody tells Juno Blade what to do. So, she became a video game character instead. Stamina bar was full, rotating above her head. When she’d be picking berries in the forest her health reserves got replenished. Shun’s magical greens would fill the stamina to the full if it was low. You’d only need to mentally reach out for those reserves.

Young servant’s eyes were wide open. There was nothing inside. She closed them. If he didn’t let The Regime tell him what to do, maybe he’d still be alive. Oh well, it is the way it is.

The uniform was new and it looked warm. Could use that…

Al Krzeszewski

“Take that you suckers!!!” Al was laughing loudly running with two big hams, one under each arm. Behind him lay two men on the ground, bunker open. He will keep one for himself…eating ham sandwich with ham bread with ham pickles and ham mayo, with some more ham sprinkled on top… he was drooling, rolling his eyes with delight at the thought of such feast. All of a sudden, he hit something, his vision blackened and he fell to the floor.

“You moron, what are you doing laughing like an idiot and exposing yourself like this? You wanna die?” Chase was standing over him. “I don’t understand how do you still live…” she squinted her eyes and put one ham in her backpack. “This one is mine, I’ve found it” he hugged the second one. “Jesus, fine, just hurry up, we better get our asses outta here.” She lifted him by the collar.

“It’s your fault for knocking me down, I would have already been home, you crazy mean thing.” He pouted defensively, dusting off his clothes.

“Well, time to work those lil feet again you bastard, coz… there are some dudes looking for you” she grinned fiendishly looking at the group of men running towards them.

Chase was a fast one. Al screamed in surprise and started running after her. She laughed so much tears started coming to her eyes. They had this tacit agreement where they would fight over nothing all the time, childishly, like kids. There was no ill intent, only fun.

“Why are you laughing you fiend!? It’s you fault!” He was wailing through his heavy breath. She was laughing even more. It was like a game…when they were kids and life was simple.

Chase Saunders

The smell of gasoline and oil was comforting. Machines are simple. They broke down, you fix them…If only humans were like that… Poor Kano. Every night he re-lives that day; she was waiting for him where was safe. The look in his eyes as he emerged from the woods was painful. Her heart broke. No matter how many times you go through the drill, practice it, no matter how many times you tell yourself it’s coming and you gotta be ready, when it comes it’s heartbreaking and terrifying. His parents were taken to “the facility”. They knew it was coming. So, they taught him where to run and hide. Nobody survives “the facility”. His body was shaking uncontrollably. No point in stifling the pain. It’s better to let it out. She is his family now. Nobody will ever touch him. They will find happiness. No matter what…

She heard silent steps approaching the car. Shun’s boots appeared, mud and blood caking the soles. He jumped on his hands in burpee and levelled his body with floor. His eyes were clear and bright; his smile a toothpaste commercial. When they still had toothpaste…and watched commercials.

“Al made us a ham feast. We’re having ham sandwiches. Ham with ham with some more ham. I’ve picked some greens.”

That guy… always in good mood…She smiled back…People get used to all kinds of things. Maybe life was too comfortable and the balance needed to be restored. Whatever there was…they are here now and they will be having Al’s special dinner. What happens later doesn’t matter.

Kano Viega

There was one oak tree in the thick forest…one of the biggest and probably the oldest. The trunk had a strange shape, as if it was a secret passage…to a different world. It could fit an average male just perfectly so he wasn’t visible to by passers. Or to “them”. The servants… he hated them. His dad told him he shouldn’t hate. Nobody. It takes away your life energy he said. How could he not… they were the one who came and took his parents to “the facility”.

It wasn’t in the warrior code though… Hate… So, he breathed in…deep breath…breathe in the lightness…breathe out the heaviness… he will stick by the code. They will not win. His dad said it wasn’t only about wining…it’s about how you win. And how you lose. Loss is never a loss until you decide it is.

He took out a small book from his inner pocket. His dad had it made for him. A special pocket edition to carry with him. He told him to read every day; keep your mind sharp and soul nourished… He felt the texture of book covers under his fingers… It said “Man’s Search For Meaning. Viktor Frankl”. Sometimes he would just open a page randomly and read. Somehow, he loved that guy, Viktor Frankl. He reminded him of his dad.

“The prisoner who had lost faith in the future – his future – was doomed. With his loss of belief in the future, he also lost his spiritual hold; he let himself decline and became subject to mental and physical decay. “

The page said today. He will never lose faith. For himself. For his father. And for this guy Viktor Frankl…