



Ironically, I try to show what’s (to me) the most inspiring in human beings through their plastic representations. While I’ve been mainly focusing on my favourite (fashion) styles in previous collections with accent on character, recently I’ve turned to story behind the collection to convey the essence of my work and let “Piece by Piece” section deal with fashion.

Even though for now I’m using Integrity Toys fashion dolls as the base for my creations, and I love fashion in a sense of clothes design, my characters are not a part of fashion and celebrity world; their looks and clothes are here to represent individual thinker, noble spirited, genuine and independent.

I believe irony, satire, humor and critical thought are crucial part of any good art, so I like to present a wide array of qualities that make us human while still centering nobility of the spirit as main drive behind my work.

Here you can see some of “my crew”; my personal dolls I made for myself.

I believe they are a good reflection of my world-view and values. Of course, they are subject to your own interpretation, possibly removed from their true meaning, but in the end, aren’t we all?

I will keep this gallery updated.