Fatality: Six Of A Kind
Fatality: Six Of A Kind

Fatality: Six Of A Kind

Once you decide to see events in life as challenges, without giving them the value of being good or bad, it is much easier not to take it personally. You will do things your old self usually wouldn’t. However, it’s always there somewhere… your old self, and old life; in the back of your mind; directing the show. She didn’t want that old self anymore. The scars on her burned hand kept reminding her whom she once was. Now, when she could get rid of them once and for all, she realized she didn’t want to. The fire of pain is the one that cleanses your soul. You have to burn and take hits so you can get out as a sharp blade. Friction is what makes it sharper…friction is what can break it. One should know how to direct it.

The world of thieves, liars and scoundrels might have been tough on the body, but it produced some of the sharpest blades. Those were never wielded without good reason. It was a world that took human nature to both extremes. Lack of mercy served as a catalyst; very fast you learn dishonesty and deception will not keep you alive. You either change, or die. You choose wisely. Her crew has been through some hot fires. Veronica, Claude, Evgeniya, Ryuu…She knew she had the finest weapons in her arsenal.

Sonya…we will see what the fire does to you.

“IN THE SHADOWS” Rowan Cavanaugh

It was a hotel room on the outside, a high security office on the inside. Camera screens were spread along the walls. Sweet scent of cigars and polished wood lingered in the air. Rowan was leaning back in her chair, legs resting on a massive oak desk in the middle of the room. Laid out in front of her were the contents of the manila folder Evgeniya won. Claude and her crew made sure the basement was clean.
Her eyes fixed on Sonya at the bar. The man motioned to the barkeep for another round.
Sonya was feeling this one… Rowan squirmed in her chair… she didn’t like the direction that episode was heading…

The man whispered something in Sonya’s ear and she giggled playfully. A large amount of cash was thrown on the bar. Sonya held tightly on to his arm, as they left.
“What is she doing?!” she mumbled to herself in disbelief. “Oh, she better not be pulling this shit again!”
She started pacing around the room. Poured herself a drink… First thing that was there. She slammed the glass splashing the remaining liquid on the mahogany finish “Damnit, I don’t drink!”

Rowan made it very clear to Sonya that fraternizing with patrons was off limits! It messed with the revenue. Besides, jealous men become reckless men.
That’s how they met… Sonya had an astounding capability to wrap men around her finger. She would frequent the establishment and over intoxicate the patrons…And then snatch their wallets. She could still remember Sonya’s rosy cheeks and pouty lips after being caught stealing from one of the high rollers. Stealing from her customers was the same as stealing from her.

However, there was something about her… at first, she didn’t know what so she offered her a job, a special kind of job, in lieu of the actual consequences that thieves got to taste around these parts.

She returned to the security cameras, searching for the couple. Elevator footage showed the two, caught in a kiss before exiting the lift. She could not see Sonya or the man thereafter. She felt her ears warm with rage.
Rule number one: Don’t fraternize with the patrons.’, her voice echoed in her mind.
If there was one thing she would not tolerate, that was betrayal. Traitors leave her place in only one position… horizontal; feet first.

She would deal with that sneaky weasel immediately… Was that what you’d get after having mercy on a lying thief?

As she reached for the silencer her sleeve lifted up and revealed a patch of deep pink flesh. She stopped, transfixed by the ragged marble patterned skin… everyone in the business knew not to mess with her… Bosses treated her as one of them, patrons respected her; even Evgeniya and Ryuu would never cross the line, but this little slut rat…her mouth was one tense straight line…she was staring at the ugly skin of the scar… Why did she have to look like Anna? She had the same manners, the same laugh. She’d never listen either…

Beautiful Anna… She wanted to be a movie star… Ever since they were kids; in soft green pastures and fragrant meadows covered in delicate wild flowers. She surely could have…

“I’m sorry Anna…”

Her lips loosened. The silencer glimmered in the warm light of the room.

Was Sonya her redemption?…

“Tsk…little bitch.” the silencer went back to the box. She WILL deal with her.


“RING GAME” Evgeniya Romanova

Thick cloud of smoke hovered over the poker players down below. Liquor bottles were quickly

emptied and replaced with full ones, ashtrays followed suit. Down in the basement was where the real high stakes began.

She slouched as she gulped her clear glass of liquor. Her cards were placed face down on the table. For Evgeniya, this was comfortable familiarity. Hot smoke filled her lungs as she deeply inhaled.

Cigarette burned double quick, bearing witness to the tension around the table. Subtle smirk lingered around her lips. They had hoped she would be drunk by now. Possibly, it was instinctive, unconscious thing… she looked like one of them, but they knew she wasn’t. She reached inside her coat and pulled out a wad of cash, tossing it on the table; the pool of money, viciously high.

One of two things were certain down at the basement: you either win big or lose big.
One after another, players began to fold their hand. One man upped the ante and placed a thick manila folder on the table. A bold move. Some things were worth more than cash around these parts.
He flipped his cards confidently; an excellent hand… the hand of a cheater. Evgeniya heard Ryuu scoff behind her. They’ve spent too many nights at this place not to catch on to such lame attempts.
You can’t cheat a cheater. She placed her glass on the table and tossed her winning hand.

“Cheater!”, His fist slammed onto the table making the glasses reverberate.

Men from both sides of the table stood up, hands reaching inside their coats for their concealed holsters.

Cigarettes in the ashtray burned slowly this time. Saxophone from the floor above was wailing a smoky tune.

Ryuu heard the loud thumping in her ears. Ba bump… ba bump…
“So it begins…” she stepped forward holding her hands in pockets. Her index finger impatiently

gripping the cold steel. They shouldn’t be pulling guns here, but…there were many things one

shouldn’t be doing.
“Now gentlemen, we can either all end up with our brains splattered on these lovely walls, or we can deal with this in a more elegant, civilized manner”, Evgeniya remarked playfully.
“Let’s leave out the dangerous toys this time.” Ryuu smirks, her finger still curled around the trigger.

Nobody moved. The man across Evgeniya was still leaning over the table, ready to jump at her.

She slumped back into her seat and brought the glass close to her lips, a devious grin peeking from behind.

“FAST DRAW” Ryuu Abe

Accusations of cheating were yelled across the room.

“She’s cheating?” Ryuu chuckled, “How about we check for the many other cards you’re hiding in that coat?”

“I see we’re playing with liars here. I’ll just take what’s mine back.” The man reached back into the pool of money and grabbed the folder he had lost in the bid.

“The hell you are!” She slammed her hand on top of the folder.

They were facing each other. His eyes examining her face. She could smell his breath… cigarettes and whiskey… the basement was always fun. It put you to a test. Sometimes failure meant death.

A small blade slipped from inside of his sleeve. He gripped it, aiming it at her planted hand. She slid the folder back, knocking Evgeniya’s drink over. The sharp blade barely missed her. Quickly she landed a blow to his jaw that sent him back knocking others with him. She readied her

stance as her body came alive with excitement.
Suddenly something cracked on her head from behind and she felt warm liquid coming down her face. She stumbled and placed her hand on top of the head. The hand was red. She laughed loudly, stretched her shoulders and pounced into the battle.
Fists were swinging in different directions. Nostalgia-filled metallic taste flooded her mouth. She spit out the blood on the concrete covered in alcohol and shattered glass.
What a merry gathering.

The sound of freshly released lead echoed in the parlor. Ryuu’s eyes widened as she searched for Evgeniya. The manilla folder guy had his gun pointed at her, motioning her to release the folder.

Ryuu took out her own, aiming it across the room. She steadied her aim….

Suddenly, armed security broke into the basement, demanding everyone to lower their weapons.

She raised her hands, annoyed… she needed just a few more seconds.

“CHECKMATE” Claude Duchamp

It had taken the crew somewhat longer to finish cleaning up. The scrimmage had caused more

damage than usual. It would take a few more hours to remove the stains off the carpet. She would write the damage report to Veronica after the cigarette.

The crisp air felt refreshing against her face. She tossed her toothpick carelessly on the ground. There were more where those came from. Right now, she needed the reassurance of that focused inhale and exhale.

Something weighed heavy on her mind. She felt slightly guilty for slapping Sonya. She was a good kid but how could she be so careless? So irresponsible… We pay for our recklessness. We pay for not understanding the rules of the game.

Her time in French army taught her that lesson very well. Those in power will use it,

regardless of its nature. It could be someone of a higher rank, it could be someone stronger than you. Even the disposable ones, who shared her fears, misery and despair in red painted sands of a foreign land… even they weren’t an exception to the rule. She thought they were brothers… brothers in arms and brothers in death…

So naive.

Her cold metal tags pressing into her chest, a rough hand over her mouth, a pungent smell of stale sweat, a deep sense of shame…

So naive of her…

She solemnly puffed the smoke into a night sky. You could barely see the stars. There the sky was pitch black and stars were glowing with detached indignation at what was happening behind the shattered barracks, in the red stained sand.

What do you do? Resent? It’s of no use…

She was not the same person as then…

Her bunk mate had introduced her to chess. Much like life, every figure had their role. Predicting one’s move became easier once she understood the rules of the game. In reality, humans were very simple… predictable… stereotypical…

He’s dead now. His bones covered in the relentless never-ending sand. Just sand, all around them. Sand and the gleaming sun…

She put out whatever was left of her cigarette with her boot. Another toothpick returned to its

rightful place. The dry taste of wood would take her back there every time. It was a reminder… of fleetingness of human life. And unfaltering beauty of human soul.

She would have to speak with Sonya soon. Buy her a drink. Teach her how to play chess.

“MOUSE TRAP” Veronica Yang

The casket was being slowly lowered as the attendants mourned in silence. Grieving widow loudly sobbed into a handkerchief. Veronica placed her hand on the widow’s shoulder to offer her condolences. Things would get out of hand at times, and this would be the usual outcome. She heard he wasn’t involved in the brawl; just someone looking for a win.
Quietly she made herself disappear. She had made her presence known. There was someone else to visit while she was there. Someone lost long ago.
Her heels dug into the soft, wet grass. Her eyes focused on a grave with wilted flowers. Time heals nothing… Patina had formed on the modest ring. It wasn’t your conventional ring… he wasn’t a conventional man. She kneeled on the dirty marble and shut her eyes.
The icy feeling of steel pressed against the nape of her neck made the hairs on her skin crawl. She remained unmoved.
“How dare you show up!” she didn’t recognize the voice. His accent was familiar. Someone from the funeral most likely.
“Pull the trigger and they’ll know I’m gone.” she calmly reminded whoever that was behind her.
“He didn’t have to die! This is all your fault and that damned club of yours!” the barrel prodded deeper into the skin
“You’re right. He didn’t. One of yours pulled the weapon out first.” She paused. “Tell me, would you sit passively with a barrel pointed at you?”
He was silent.
“One of yours got careless and an innocent man paid with his life. You’re pointing that in the wrong direction. Find the one who gambled with more than mere money… and have a few words with him.”
The steel reluctantly lifted off her nape.
“If you’re lying, I will come looking for you.”
She waited until she no longer heard his steps crunch on the soil. He wouldn’t return. She could count of that. Her hand delicately grazed the tombstone, running her fingers through the etched word, noli timere.

“ALL IN” Sonya Macbeth

She was tapping her foot to the beat of the saxophone playing in the lounge. The dim lights and thin veil of smoke spread across the room clandestinely. Sitting alone at the bar waiting, she didn’t have to wait long. You could always count on a man to buy a lady a drink. She felt the eyes stare, but only one set made its way to her.

It was the most interesting part of the job…to see which one will take the bait. Sometimes they were good looking, sometimes not. It didn’t matter. They were there to spend money and she had to make them do so.

He called the barkeeper and bought her a drink.

Sonya found pinstripes charming on a man. However, those weren’t the only charming thing about this one. She knew business and pleasure don’t mix well together. She knew the contents of her contract. But this man was so handsome, so charming, so funny…and so… so hot. Maybe she would have a couple of drinks… or more.

Conversation flowed easily just as every new drink he bought. It was good for the business…

If she allowed herself to flirt more, he would surely spend more. It was all for the business…

She always thought about the business…and her contract…

It was getting hot at the bar. Barkeeper glanced at her cautiously. He knew how she was supposed to roll. Man’s suit jacket hanged off the chair; his unbuttoned shirt was giving a sneak peek of what seemed to be perfectly chiseled chest. He rolled up his sleeves. She couldn’t miss the opportunity to touch that alluring tanned skin.

He invited her to his room. She knew what her contract said… she couldn’t accept the offer but

nobody said she couldn’t walk him to his room. They both had too much to drink, but he had more. She couldn’t let something happen to a precious customer. He could fall and break his leg. That would not be good for business…

They took the elevator to the fifth floor. The stairs were out of the question. He pulled her close sliding his hand over the smoothness of satin covered curves. The elevator buttons

were pressed… tenth floor, twelfth, seventh… a kiss was okay, just for a tiny second…then they will stop…she could control the situation…

The door on the fifth floor opened. They staggered through the walkway, giggling. She knew it went too far. She also knew camera-free spots… she will just say goodbye and leave.

Things didn’t go as planned. She panicked. She couldn’t lose her job. Or disappoint Rowan. But he wouldn’t let go… she found her mini panic button that hung off her bracelet and sent a signal to Claude.

In a couple of seconds, she saw a tall suited up figure marching towards them. He didn’t notice what was going on. Claude pushed him and with one light, but precise blow he fell to the ground unconscious. She could not hurt a customer.

Her eyes were burning with rage. One vehement slap landed on Sonya’s beautiful lipstick smudged face. She lost her balance and found herself on the floor. Tears filled her eyes.
Claude’s unbending face frowned in disgust. “There are lines you cannot cross! Remember that!”, she hissed and took the half-conscious man to his room. He won’t remember anything tomorrow.