Blood&Magic: Brujeria
Blood&Magic: Brujeria

Blood&Magic: Brujeria

There was no difference between humans and witches and vampires. Surely the latter had more power and lived longer, but in reality, a lot of times centuries of living (or how would you call that?) didn’t bring wisdom. Same petty fights and drama, same heartbreaks, same rebellion and same striving for ideals… One would ask himself if there was a pupose or an end to that, was there an evolution playing out or maybe it was all one big show for the masses.

Aurora Salvatore

Aurora burned witchazel powder over a candle and mumbled something incomprehensively in broken latin. “What did you say” Sapphire opened her eyes widely.

“” she mumbled.

“Oh for…” before she could finish her profanities, a hot explosion threw her to the other side of the room. “Aurora! Your recklessness will destroy this town!” She yelled at her angrily. That girl…does she always have to learn things the hard way?

“Call Drusilla!” Aurora screamed in panic.

“Oh yeah, now Drusilla will clean your mess?” Sapphire scowled at her as walls started to crumble.

“Sapphire!!!” Aurora cried.

“Fine!” Sapphire closed her eyes and focused all her attention on reaching Drusilla. “Something is blocking me. I’m not sure I’m going through.”

“Drusilla!!!!!!” Aurora let her high-pitched cry run loose. All of a sudden the walls started assembling again and the explosion got rewinded. The sound of heels hitting the wooden floor filled the unnaturally silent room. A thin woman in black appeared at the door. “So… when do we start working on that Latin of yours?” Drusilla stretched one corner of her mouth into a half smile. “You can act cocky only if you know what you’re doing my dear. Otherwise, you could just wipe us all from the face of the Earth.”

Sapphire Horne

Sapphire was deep into her thoughts. Oversized cup of tea was steaming under her face.

“Getting a low key facial?” Drusilla chuckled and sat next to her. “Still worried about Emille?… You and I can handle him easily. He’s just an arrogant lil’ prick. We have thousands of years of witchcraft in us. He’s just a beginner.”

“Exactly. He’s just a beginner and did you see what he did? He annihilated all the members of vampire race at the Gathering! It’s not only him we have at our backs now, it’s the vampires!”

“Ha! Sapphire…how long do you know me? Two…three hundred years? You think I’ve got no aces in my sleeve? My girl!” She paused and motioned someone to come in.

“M…Miriam Doyle…” Sapphire mustered while chills went down her spine. Drusilla stood up and greeted a pale woman whose malevolence oozed out of her every pore. Or so it seemed. Or so the stories said. A vampire? And on top of that… THAT particular vampire… “What you didn’t know, Sapphire, was that Miriam is an old acquaintance of mine… an acquaintance with ties no time can break. Miriam is also… not alone… and also… the strongest tie is a common enemy. Emille is just that.” She looked at Miriam. The victory was guaranteed.

Drusilla Willard

Cold wind was blowing into her face. She sank deeper into her fur. Slow steps… the wind got colder. It’s been long… so long. Nobody knew what they did. Nobody knows. It was a perfect crime. So vast nobody could imagine it was planned. It was deliberate. It was done by two women. Nobody would suspect. Drusilla never believed in Hell, but if it existed, they would both burn for eternity and beyond. Wolf eyes flickered and a thin, impressively stoic woman stepped out of the darkness. Her face was a white, stone mask. “It’s time for another one. It’s been a century… or more…” Drusilla said monotonously. Miriam nodded. “Do you… regret it sometimes?” She asked silently. “No.” Miriam was short. “Some things need to be done. The end justified the means.” Drusilla stared at her: “No sacrifice is too big. He broke the pact. No code of law forgives that.”

“I don’t need codes of law, Drusilla. My code of law is me. Him and the rest will suffer the consequences of his actions. He’s not untouchable. Not at all.” Miriam’s face was expressionless. “Get ready. It’s not a battle. It’s a war.”

Andrea Lombardi

A lean, white-haired young man sat at The Committee head seat. His composed mannerism had the air of trustworthiness. He was young, too young for The Head of The Committee. To preside The Gathering. The participants were uncomfortable. The safety of tradition was no longer there to hold onto, but his appearance was something to grab in the need of hope.  A tall dark-haired man joined him on his right. This one was not to be trusted. Everyone could see that. The commotion made even those who were demanding the change, uneasy.

Andrea Lombardi cleared his throat to shut the commotion down. “All respected participants, we have gathered here to discuss relations between the races and our position in the human world. I’ve heard there’s been some inappropriate behavior by certain groups to be tackled in this session, so I propose we get straight to the point.” He addressed the Hall. “As you know, I as a new Head, decided to leave out some groups of hooligans and good-for-nothings that are just defiling our races and bringing us bad reputation. Those who weren’t invited are automatically banished out of the Families and shall not be given a helping hand in no circumstances. The commotion got stronger. A tall dark man slammed his fist against the table: “Silence” the word roared through the Hall.

Laughter and chatter from outside was cutting through the tense silence. The door slammed open and a bunch of thuggy-looking young people walked into the room confidently. “Well, well, well, a nerdy, anemic snot defiling the position of The Head?” Lucius shouted jeeringly. Emille jumped up and clashed his eyes with Kieran. The day of reckoning has come. Andrea remained unperturbed in his chair: “Ha, the scum of the scum. I don’t remember inviting you here. Emille, take this trash out!” he happily served the mockery back. That was the trigger for recommencing the war that was buried deep under the layers of pacts and attempts to keep the non-human races from annihilating each other. Narcissistic ideas of weak minds destroyed centuries of work. Hounds were released.

Emille Martin

Emille didn’t care about consequences. There was no goal, no end to reach. There were no rules to follow except for the rule of chaos. Finally, he climbed to the top. When Andrea finishes playing his part, he wouldn’t need him anymore. One snap of a neck. Andrea is strong, but he couldn’t stand up to him. He looked at the crowd gathered in front. They were calling themselves witches, that lame bunch of weaklings and posers… he despised them. They had no idea what it meant when sharp blades of magic start rushing through your veins. Every breath felt like thousands of needles piercing though his body. That was the price you paid for power. If he needed to destroy all of them, he would. If he needed to destroy the world, he would. The anguish was overwhelming and he would take the universe with him.

He could smell him days ago. Dirty dog blood. He came for his revenge. So, come little puppy, I will play with you…

Hazel Sibley

Her bowels were churning with excitement and anxiety as she was putting her makeup on. She better look her best today. Today is the day when they will officially get accept in the Bruja Society. It must be today!

They practiced for years, all by themselves. You’d say they were self-taught. That must be seen as something valuable, right? Just because you needed to have a mentor, it didn’t mean they would get rejected. It’s the skill that counted…surely… her mind was trying to convince her. She knew it would be a failure. They were just humans, without a drop of witch blood in them. Nobody would accept them, even if their magic was impeccable.

She looked herself in the mirror. Who were they kidding… they were just poor ass human amateurs. Fangirls hooked up on Prynne Sisters Show, and  Andrea Lombardi groupies. She wasn’t sure if any of that was a good idea. Besides, they weren’t invited. Maybe they were playing with their lives. But… what would she do with her life if she couldn’t belong somewhere where she felt she belonged. She was a freak anyways. She didn’t fit in the society, she didn’t want to do any of the human life stuff. She didn’t belong anywhere…

Trixie Sage

Hazel, are you done already?! Trixie impatiently yelled from downstairs. She knew what was happening. Hazel was doubting herself. She was doubting what they were about to do. Going to Annual Witch Gathering as two almost still teenage girls was not only foolish but suicidal. Humans weren’t supposed to know about it, but some humans who could practice magic… could get some information… She was optimistic. It would be hard, and they would probably almost die, but it would be worth it in the end. If she was here for something on this planet, it was magic. Every cell of her body and every atom of her being knew that. So, whatever happens, happens. Her only friend was Trixie. They were always the weirdo kids, the ones who got ridiculed and bullied, the ones who didn’t belong… but they never used magic to get even… maybe once… sometimes… but not often… anyways, it wasn’t their passion, it was who they were. She was sure they could take down Prynne sisters without even trying. Just because you were born in a certain family, with certain blood, or in a certain social class, it didn’t mean you couldn’t expand and grow and find your way out in the world.

She didn’t want to do that… but it was time to give Hazel some magical faith… they couldn’t go in there doubting themselves. The only way they could succeed was when they embodied the power of magic. Now there was no time for doubts and human fears.