Blood & Magic
Blood & Magic

Blood & Magic

Situated in timeless Transylvania and modern day world, the collection brings you an array of immortal and mortal characters who are struggling with their human passions: envy, jealousy, ambition, lust but at the same time trying to keep the moral code of justice, honor and duty. There is no good or evil, only humanity striving for greatness.

Countess Tatiana Vorotynsky
The main culprit behind the annihilation of a werewolf Corvin clan, this 600 year old vampire nobility has been the mastermind behind many war tactics employed by vampire armies throughout centuries. Always keeping one eye on Erica Corvin, leading an army and expanding the Empire, Countess surely has no time to waste on antics of her spoiled nephew Dimitri whom she was unfortunate enough to have to educate on art of war. Escaping everyday Court drama and Dimitri’s terrible character, she finds refuge in the battlefield and the prospect of killing the last member of the Clan.
Voivodess Elisabeta Dracul
With her main aim of bringing back the glory of her lineage and regaining her Empire, Voivodess Dracul has teamed up with Countess Vorotynsky in her war endeavors. Everything would be working fine and dandy if it weren’t for her weakness for young boys that got ignited by the presence of handsome Nikolai. To make matters worse, cruel and spoiled Dimitri wasn’t pleased to see such powerful woman eyeing “his possession” (he basically owns everything). Juggling her attempts at Empire expansion, young boy addiction, Dimitri’s malicious pranks and Tatiana’s cold scorn, life is not easy for Voivodess.
Nikolai Alekseievich

This heir of a wealthy noble family spent centuries in reckless abandon and hedonism accompanied by his best friend Dimitri. When he heard his friend was to be sent to Romaina to learn the art of war from Countess Tatiana, Nikolai happily agreed to accompany him for he knew that Voivodess Dracul would be there as well. Always looking for love drama, Nikolai was set to seduce famous Voivodess. However, in his zeal he forgot whom he was dealing with…

Dimitri Orlov

Vicious and sly, Dimitri lives by the saying “the end justifies the means” except the “the end” is never noble or good. A prince who always got whatever he wanted in life; he doesn’t take “no” for an answer. Unfortunately for him, his father didn’t take “no” for an answer either so Dimitri ended up on Dracul court. Determined to take revenge on his father, he and his friend Nikolai decided to wreak havoc on the whole Empire.

Erica Corvin

The only survivor of werewolf Corvin clan, Erica has sworn to kill Countess Tatiana and whole of her lineage. A lone wolf in every sense, she is on endless hunt for vampire blood. Following the Countess from cold regions of Siberia to Transilvania, her only drive is revenge.

Prudence Shipton

A descendant from a long line of witches, Prudence uses her medium powers to receive information from her ancestors in the world of the dead via tarot cards or Ouija board. Living deep in the woods with her 3 cats, she is an epitome of a witch (except she’s prettier…)

Following her mother’s instructions, she never uses black magic or curses. Having high moral standards for the use of magic, she cannot help to dislike Prynne sisters who use it to gain money and fame.

Sybil and Willow Prynne
Known as “modern witches” Sybil and Willow have cashed their skills. After learning witchcraft from their mother, they have embarked on a celebrity journey. Nobody knows these popular influencers, actresses and reality-show “Magic” stars, don’t only pose as “witches” but have actually used their magic to get all the best deals in Hollywood. Seeing their innocent young faces, nobody would guess in them lies the knowledge of Salem women.